
Allys was diagnosed with a brain tumour shortly after the birth of her first child.
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Dr Santosh Poonnoose: My neurosurgeon and life saver. Without him I believe I wouldn’t be here typing these words
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Amy - Aneursym Survivor

Amy is a ruptured aneurysm and SAH survivor.
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Bethwyn owes her life to the skills of her Neurosurgeons and her faith. Incredibly, she has survived six aneurysms between 1967 - 2019.
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Casandra and Denis

Casandra’s husband Denis Bodo suffered from a rare genetic disease, and not long after his death, she suffered a spinal cord injury, a traumatic brain injury and is now living with Parkinson’s Disease.
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Casey was diagnosed with an epidermoid brain tumour the size of an egg on her brain stem in 2020
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Cecilia was diagnosed with an oligodendroglioma brain tumour in her left frontal lobe in 2014 which was operated on successfully. In 2020 she suffered a seizure while shopping, after which it was found that her brain tumour had changed from an oligodendroglioma to an anaplastic astrocytoma, grade 3.
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Charles Brice

ABC News Breakfast Reporter Charles Brice shares his story after a motorbike accident at just 19 left him a quadriplegic.
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Chelsea was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2013 when she was 27 years old and had just started a family.
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Chris 'Critter' Adams

Strong Enough To Live
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Brave for Dave - Never Out of the Fight
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Di is a cerebral aneurysm survivor.
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At just 15 years old Ella's life completely changed when she was diagnosed with both a dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial (DNET) brain tumour and Chiari Malformation.
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Katrina Dight Martin’s son Finn was diagnosed with a Tethered Spinal Cord (TSC) at only a few days old. Here she shares Finn’s story.
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In 2018, Lauren’s life changed in an instant when she suffered a traumatic brain injury after an accidental fall while helping a student down from a piece of play equipment.
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At 6 weeks old, it was discovered that Lili had enlarged arachnoid cysts - a very rare disorder.
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Lucinda was diagnosed with a Hemangioblastoma in 2015.
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Principal Physiotherapist Patrick shares his story after being diagnosed with a 2.1cm tumour that grew off his 8th cranial nerve - a 'Vestibular Schwanomma'
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Rosel has written the story of her brain tumour journey here. Please read her story below.
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Kristen was diagnosed with a pilocytic astrocytoma one month before she turned 21 years old and went on to have 4 brain surgeries.
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Matt was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma in 2019 and went on to have surgery on his 40th birthday. Given a prognosis of 12-18 months to live, Matt shares his story on his 43rd birthday, 3 years after his original operation.
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Sally has been seeing a neurosurgeon since she was born – as she was born with fluid on the brain (Hydrocephalus). Unfortunately, this association has continued, due her brain tumour diagnosis in 2016.
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Tyler - TBI survivor

Tyler Fuller was just 19 years old when he suffered a terrible accident after falling on to the rocks at Middleton on New Years Day 2020.
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Rose was diagnosed with a stage 3 anaplastic astrocytoma in June 2021
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