Allys was diagnosed with a brain tumour shortly after the birth of her first child.
In 2009 I welcomed my first child into the world. After a long labour she was placed in my arms and it had all been worth it. A few days later the news of a brain tumour was given to our new family.
It was a shock – a big one- our beautiful bundle of joy was fine; the diagnosis of a tumour was given to her mother.
Two months earlier I woke one morning to the sound of emergency paramedics loading me on to a stretcher to transport me to hospital. I have suffered a grand mal seizure in my sleep.
The seizure I experienced had been unexpected and at the time I believed to have had no prior history of anything similar. The seizure was put down to the late stage for pregnancy and the level of stress it was putting on my body. The doctor reassured me and encouraged me to rest. We were released from hospital and I was given strict instructions to stop work, put me feet up and rest.
After my daughter’s birth a routine follow up brain scan was performed on me at the hospital.The results however, were not routine.
A small tumour had been identified in my right temporal lobe. Its extent and grade were unknown. Due to the tumours size, nature and location experts were unclear of its type or whether it was benign or a malignant cancer.
After a few days in Intensive care I was moved to a ward. Prof Jones delivered positive results. A benign Ganglioglioma. No further radiotherapy was necessary at this stage. Whilst repeat follow up scans were required the prognosis looked good.
The entire experience was life changing. I see myself as being extremely lucky. I have full cognitive function, very little scarring and no long term side effects. I am medication free and hold a full drivers licence.
I don’t miss ‘Terry” and certainly hope that we don’t ever meet again. But if we do I know I am a resilient survivor and will be determined to remain a fighter no matter what life throws at me in the future.
I will reach a milestone in early 2019 - 10 years' post-surgery.