Brain Tumour / Cancer

Cell autonomous functions of CD47 in regulating cellular plasticity and metabolic plasticity

Authors: Ruhi Polara, Raja Ganesan, Stuart M. Pitson and Nirmal Robinson (2024)

Cancer cells adapt FAM134B/BiP mediated ER-phagy to survive hypoxic stress

Authors: Sandhya Chipurupalli, Raja Ganesan, Giulia Martini, Luigi Mele, Alessio Reggio, Marianna Esposito, Elango Kannan, Vigneshwaran Namasivayam, Paolo Grumati, Vincenzo Desiderio and Nirmal Robinson (2022)

DeepSurvNet: deep survival convolutional network for brain cancer survival rate classification based on histopathological images. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.

Authors: Zadeh Shirazi A, Fornaciari E, Sadat Bagherian N, Ebert LM, Koszyca B, Gomez GA. (2020)

Clinical chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy: a new and promising treatment modality for glioblastoma

Authors: Michael P Brown, Lisa M Ebert, & Tessa Gargett (2019)

Cytoplasmic dynein regulates the subcellular localization of sphingosine kinase 2 to elicit tumor-suppressive functions in glioblastoma

Authors: Neubauer, HA, Tea, MN, Zebol, JR, Gliddon, BL, Stefanidis, C, Moretti, PA, Pitman, MR, Costabile, M, Kular, J, Stringer, BW, Day, BW, Samuel, MS, Bonder, CS, Powell, JA & Pitson, SM (2018)

Cytokine-mediated blood brain barrier disruption as a conduit for cancer/chemotherapy-associated neurotoxicity and cognitive dysfunction

Authors: Hannah R. Wardill, Kimberley A. Mander, Ysabella Z.A. Van Sebille, Rachel J. Gibson, Richard M. Logan, Joanne M. Bowen and Stephen T. Sonis (2016)

Toll-like receptor 4 signaling: A common biological mechanism of regimen-related toxicities An emerging hypothesis for neuropathy and gastrointestinal toxicity

Authors: Hannah R. Wardill, Ysabella Z.A. Van Sebille, Kimberley A. Mander, Rachel J. Gibson, Richard M. Logan, Joanne M. Bowen, Stephen T. Sonis (2015)

Evaluating the role of substance P in the growth of brain tumors. Neuroscience 261, 85-94.


Keywords: Blood brain barrier · Edema · Magnesium · Neurotrauma · Treatment

Treatment with the NK1 antagonist emend reduces blood brain barrier dysfunction and edema formation in an experimental model of brain tumors. PloS ONE 9 (5), e96891.

Authors: Elizabeth Harford-Wright, Kate M. Lewis, Mounir N. Ghabriel, Robert Vink (2014)

Characterization of Walker 256 breast carcinoma cells from two different tumour cell banks as assessed using two models of secondary brain tumours. Cancer Cell Int 13, 5.

Authors: Kate M Lewis, Elizabeth Harford-Wright, Robert Vink and Mounir N Ghabriel (2013)

NK1 Receptor antagonists and dexamethasone as anticancer agents in vitro and in a model of brain tumours secondary to breast cancer. Anti-Cancer Drugs 24, 344-54.

Authors: Kate M. Lewis, Elizabeth Harford-Wright, Robert Vink and Mounir N. Ghabriel (2013)

Keywords: traumatic brain injury · stroke · neurodegeneration · neonatal brain injury · brain magnesium

Targeting classical but not neurogenic inflammation reduces peritumoral oedema in secondary brain tumours. J. Neuroimmunol 250, 59-65.

Authors: Lewis KM, Harford-Wright E, Vink R, Ghabriel MN (2012)

Neurodegeneration: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Concussion

Animal models of chronic traumatic encephalopathy Concussion (2017) 2(2)

Authors: McAteer KM, Turner RJ, Corrigan F (2017)

A substance P mediated pathway contributes to 6-hydroxydopamine induced cell death.

Authors: Levon Gabrielian, Stephen C. Helps, Emma Thornton, Renée Turner, Anna Leonard, and Robert Vink (2013).

Keywords: Neurotrauma · Neurokinins · Tachykinins · Neurogenic inflammation · Rat · Sheep

Stroke & Oedema

Implications of MMP9 for Blood Brain Barrier Disruption and Hemorrhagic Transformation Following Ischemic Stroke

Authors: Renée J. Turner and Frank R. Sharp (2016)

A Surgical Model of Permanent and Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke in the Sheep

Authors: Adam J. Wells, Robert Vink, Peter C. Blumbergs, Brian P. Brophy, Stephen C. Helps, Steven J. Knox, Renée J. Turner (2012)

Keywords: ischaemic stroke · large animal model · middle cerebral artery occlusion

Reference genes for normalising gene expression data in collagenase-induced rat intracerebral haemorrhage.

Authors: Naomi L Cook, Timothy J Kleinig, Corinna van den Heuvel, Robert Vink (2014)

Keywords: metalloproteinases (MMP) · blood brain barrier · ischaemic stroke · haemorrhagic transformation · cerebral oedema · neutrophils · tPA

Suppression of inflammation in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: therapeutic options

Authors: Timothy J. Kleinig and Robert Vink (2009) NK1

Funding contributor: National Health and Medical Research Council and the National Heart Foundation, and, in part, by the Neurosurgical Research Foundation.

Inhibition of neurogenic inflammation as a novel treatment for ischemic stroke

Authors: Renée Turner and Robert Vink (2007)

Unravelling the nexus of stroke and dementia:

Authors: Shannon M. Stuckey, Rebecca J. Hood, Lin Kooi Ong, Isabella M. Bilecki, Lyndsey E. Collins‐Praino, Renée J. Turner 2024

Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injury

Injury during adolescence leads to sex-specific executive function deficits in adulthood in a pre-clinical model of mild traumatic brain injury

Authors: Lola Kaukas, Joshua L Holmes, Freshta Rahimi , Lyndsey Collins-Praino , Frances Corrigan (2020)

NK1-r Antagonist Treatment Comparable to Decompressive Craniectomy in Reducing Intracranial Pressure Following Stroke

Authors: Sorby-Adams AJ, Leonard AV, Hoving JW, Yassi N, Vink R, Wells AJ, Turner RJ (2019)

Cerebrovascular contribution to dementia development after traumatic brain injury: promises and problems. Annals of Translational Medicine (2018) In Press

Authors: Collins-Praino LE, Corrigan F (2018)

Evaluation of early chronic functional outcomes and their relationship to pre-frontal cortex and hippocampal pathology following moderate-severe traumatic brain injury

Authors: Alina Arulsamy, Jason Teng, Holly Colton, Frances Corrigan, Lyndsey Collins-Praino (2018)

Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome secondary to bilateral traumatic operculum injury

Authors: Digby R, Wells A, Menon D, Helmy A (2018)

The effect of an acute systemic inflammatory insult on the chronic effects of a single mild traumatic brain injury. Behav Brain Res. (2018) 336:22-31.

Authors: Collins-Praino LE, Arulsamy A, Katharesan V, Corrigan F (2018)

Does neuroinflammation drive the relationship between tauhyperphosphorylation and dementia development following traumatic brain injury

Collins-Praino LE, Corrigan F (2018)

Toll like receptor 4 activation can be either detrimental or beneficial following mild repetitive traumatic brain injury depending on timing of activation. Brain, Behavior, Immunity (2017) 64 ,123-139

Authors: Corrigan F, Arulsamy A, Collins-Praino LE, Holmes JL, Vink R (2017)

Inflammation in acute CNS injury: a focus on the role of substance P

Authors: F Corrigan, R Vink, and R J Turner (2016)

Neurogenic inflammation after traumatic brain injury and its potentiation of classical inflammation. Journal of Neuroinflammation (2016) 13 (1), 264

Authors: Corrigan F, Mander KA, Leonard AV, Vink R (2016)

Combined Magnesium/Polyethylene Glycol Facilitates the Neuroprotective Effects of Magnesium in Traumatic Brain Injury at a Reduced Magnesium Dose

Authors: Diana S. Busingye, Renee J. Turner & Robert Vink (2016)

NK1 tachykinin receptor treatment is superior to capsaicin pre-treatment in improving functional outcome following acute ischemic stroke

Authors: Renée J. Turner, Robert Vink (2014)

The Role of Substance P in Ischaemic Brain Injury

Authors: Robert Vink and Renée J. Turner (2013)

Keywords: traumatic brain injury · Substance P · neurogenic inflammation · edema · NK1 receptor antagonist

Combined Tissue Plasminogen Activator And An NK1 Tachykinin Receptor Anatagonist: An Effective Treatment For Reperfusion Injury Following Acute Ischemic Stroke In Rats

Authors: R. J. TURNER AND R. VINK (2012)

Keywords: carotid artery chemoreceptors · phenylbiguanide (PBG) · electroencephalogram (EEG)

A substance P antagonist improves outcome when administered 4 h after onset of ischaemic stroke

Authors: Renée J. Turner, Stephen C. Helps, Emma Thornton, Robert Vink (2011)

Keywords: Neurotrauma · COX · Cognition · Diffuse axonal injury

A Substance P Antagonist Reduces Axonal Injury and Improves Neurologic Outcome When Administered Up to 12 Hours after Traumatic Brain Injury.

Author: James J. Donkin, Ibolja Cernak, Peter C. Blumbergs, and Robert Vink (2011)

Keywords: prehospital care · hypertonic saline

The neuroprotective domains of the amyloid precursor protein, in traumatic brain injury, are located in the two growth factor domains.

Authors: J Frances Corrigan, Chi L.L. Pham, Robert Vink, Peter C. Blumbergs, Colin L. Masters, Corinna van den Heuvel, Roberto Cappai (2011)

Keywords: hypotension · hypertonic saline · traumatic brain injury · neurological outcome

Substance P Antagonists as a Therapeutic Approach to Improving Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury.

Authors: Robert Vink and Corinna van den Heuvel (2010)

Keywords: Neurogenic inflammation · Neuropeptides ·Ischemic stroke · Capsaicin · NK1 tachykinin receptor antagonist

Hemoglobin crystals: A pro-inflammatory potential confounder of rat experimental intracerebral hemorrhage.

Authors: Timothy J. Kleinig, Stephen C. Helps, Mounir N. Ghabriel, Jim Manavis, Christopher Leigh, Peter C. Blumbergs, Robert Vink (2009)

Keywords: neurotrauma · traumatic brain injury · edema · neuropeptides

Validation of Reference Genes for Normalization of Real-Time Quantitative RT-PCR Data in Traumatic Brain Injury

Authors: Naomi L Cook, Robert Vink, James J Donkin and Corinna van den Heuvel(2009)

Substance P in traumatic brain injury

Authors: James J. Donkin, Renee J. Turner, Islam Hassan and Robert Vink (2007)

Keywords: Brain injury · neuroinflammation · cytokines · chemokines · bradykinin · tachykinins.

Tail Artery Blood Flow Measured by chronically implanted Doppler ultrasonic probes in unrestrained conscious rats

Authors: J N Garcia, N P Pedersen, E Nalivaiko, W W Blessing (2001)

Other: Aneurysms, Arteriovenous Malformation, Brain Haemorrhage, Moyamoya, Vascular Conditions

Nano-hemostats and a Pilot Study of Their Use in a Large Animal Model of Major Vessel Hemorrhage in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery

Authors: Alistair Jukes, Jae Murphy, Sarah Vreugde, Alkis Psaltis, P. J. Wormald (2016)

Activation Of Cyclo-Oxygenase-2 Contributes To Motor And Cognitive Dysfunction Following Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats

Authors: I Cernak, C O’Connor and R Vink (2001)

Keywords: Hemoglobin · Inflammation · Intracerebral haemorrhage