Why make a Gift in your Will to the NRF?

Looking for a way to make your final wishes really count? Consider leaving a gift in your Will to the NeuroSurgical Research Foundation.

We ask you to consider a gift to the Foundation in your Will so that we can continue to help save lives and make a difference to the quality of life for many others. The NRF receives no government funding and is dependent on the generosity of the community to achieve its objectives.

Neurosurgical Research Foundation Inc. contact details

This information may be helpful to you and your solicitor or trustee company in preparing your will:

The correct name of the NRF is:
Neurosurgical Research Foundation Inc.

The ABN is: 94020017663

The correct address is:
PO Box 698, North Adelaide, SA 5006

You can contact us for further information on:
Ph: (08) 8371 0771

Your Will

The making of a Will is an important part of your planning; it gives you peace of mind to know that you have looked after your loved ones and friends, as well as alleviating the confusion that occurs when one’s wishes are unknown.

It is important to make your own decisions about what happens to your assets.

To help you leave a gift to the Foundation, your solicitor or trustee company will advise about the wording and legal requirements.

The first thing to do when organising your Will is to choose a solicitor or trustee company to prepare your Will.

Your Will is a legal document which will make sure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes. Many people talk about the ways they would like their property to be distributed after death, but never do anything about making a Will.

Gifts in Wills to the Neurosurgical Research Foundation will help us achieve our goals.

Write Your Will Online

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Register online at Willed, create a Will online in 15 minutes that is legally valid and receive 20% off when you support the NRF.

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Register online at Gathered Here, an online Wills platform in Australia offering completely free simple WIlls with a lifetime of free updates.

Why you should have a valid Will

Many people don’t think about their own death. Sadly, we all know that an accident or an illness can occur at any time to anyone. Making a Will is one of those tasks we tend to put off until tomorrow with approximately 50% of Australians just never getting around to it.

Dying without a Will is Intestate. This can cause even more grief to your family trying to guess how to fulfill your wishes. Don’t let this happen to your family! This is your only opportunity to make your own decisions about what happens to your assets.

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