Neurosurgical Researcher Presentation & AGM

Neurosurgical Researcher Presentation & AGM
Thursday 6th September
You are invited to join us to hear research updates from four key researchers whose important work has been funded through your generous donations.
Please come and join us for these interesting presentations post AGM. Drink & nibbles will be provided.
Venue: The University of Adelaide in the Ingkarni Wardli Conference Room L7, University of Adelaide, North Tce Campus.
RSVP: Ginta Orchard (08) 8371 0771 or
Hear from the following innovators at the event:
Dr Adam Wells - Traumatic Brain injury Consultant Neurosurgeon, Royal Adelaide Hospital, and Senior Clinical Lecturer, the University of Adelaide. Dr. Wells will describe his experience working in a high volume Neurotrauma unit in Cambridge University, the United Kingdom, including research being conducted in Cambridge into the pathophysiology and management of traumatic brain injury.
Bianca Guglietti - Parkinson’s disease research Translational Neuropathology Laboratory The University of Adelaide Targeting pathological microglia activation for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, for which current therapies fall significantly short in treating the broad range of symptoms. The exact cause of PD is unknown, however, the current state of knowledge highlights the neuroinflammatory hypothesis. My research involves exploring the role of microglia in PD. Particularly, by targeting a molecule involved in the activation process, we are investigating the possibility of inhibiting microglial activation as a therapeutic target. This may reduce both the pathological spread of a-synuclein throughout the brain and the resulting neurodegeneration.
Dr Melinda Tea – Glioblastoma brain tumour research Research Associate, Centre for Cancer Biology University of South Australia and SA Pathology Advanced preclinical models for testing new therapies in Glioblastoma Firstly, the production of patient-derived brain organoids will allow us to rapidly examine the anti-cancer potential of new and existing drugs against glioblastoma cells directly obtained from tumours resected from patients. Secondly, the use of a NRF-funded stereotactic alignment and injection system will allow us to generate an advanced platform for pre-clinical evaluation of the efficacy of new anti-brain tumour drugs with the tumours growing in their normal physiological environment.
Isabella Bilecki – stroke research Translational Neuropathology Laboratory The University of Adelaide Examining the role of pericytes following stroke The brain swelling that occurs following stroke often leads to death or permanent disability in the days to weeks following the insult. Such swelling can be largely attributed to the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, which is a critical barrier between the brain tissue and blood supply. My work aims to investigate the role of pericytes in bloodbrain-barrier breakdown following stroke and how this translates to functional outcome during recovery.
Pease join us then.