Brain Tumour Research Success in South Australia by the NRF
Donations have funded 16 brain tumour research projects that total $580,644 of funding in 2021/2022

This is over 6 research institutions including Flinders University, University of Adelaide, UNI SA, Flinders Medical Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital and SAHMRI
Three laboratories (Pitson, Gomez & Brown) have attracted $3,269,079 in major federal grants to as a result of NRF seed funding.
We are also investing in scholarships to train and encourage students and researchers to work in brain tumour research.
This is what we have achieved with donations in 2021 and 2022. We are asking you to please donate now for research projects to be funded in 2022 and 2023. With your donations we will be able to so much more in brain tumour research. Please donate today.
Other achievements:
Launch of the newly created Brain Tumour Research SA (BTRSA):
The objective of BTRSA is to foster research into the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of brain tumours. BTRSA is a collaboration of brain tumour researchers and clinicians across South Australia, in partnership with the NeuroSurgical Research Foundation (NRF).
Australian Brain Cancer Mission:
Exceeded our 2016 pledge to fund $2m to Australian Brain Cancer Mission over 10 years by achieving this in the first 5 years. Our revised target is now $3m over 10 years.
Details of the Brain Tumour Research Funded in SA BY NRF 2021/2022
Brain Tumour funded research areas include:
- SA Brain Tumour Bank
- Immune therapies for Glioblastoma
- Immune therapies midline glioma paediatric tumours
- Effects of chemotherapies with brain tumours
- Cell therapy paediatric brain tumours
- Improving MRI of brain tumour
- CART-T cells Glioblastoma
Many other various research areas for Glioblastoma.
You can read in detail about all these projects on the NRF website
This seed funding provided by the NRF has enabled researchers to start critical research projects that then can attract Federal funding. We have had 3 such successes in the last 2 years. NRF seed funding of $102,856 across three laboratories (Pitson, Gomez & Brown) has led to attracting $3,269,079 in major federal grants to these critical SA brain tumour research laboratories.
You can read in detail about all these projects on the NRF website
Our fundraisers have created 3 scholarships, establishment of scholarships drives investment in new research and promotes careers in brain tumour research in SA.
You can meet two of this year’s scholarship recipients by reading our latest newsletter here