Adelaide Brain Tumour Support Group
Thursday 20 January 2022
Have you heard about the Adelaide Brain Tumour Support group? This small informal support group meets regularly for coffees and other activities.

Have you heard about the Adelaide Brain Tumour Support group? This small informal support group meets regularly for coffees and other activities.
The group was created by Annette Taylor in September 2017 after she was diagnosed with a Meningioma brain tumour in 2014. Since finding out she now has 3 Meningiomas however hasn’t had surgery as yet. Annette felt compelled to support people who are going through a similar experience, as well as creating a safe space for patients, carers and loved ones of those effected by brain tumours.
This support group is heavily involved in social events with group members, such as coffee catch ups 1st Saturday of each month at various locations around Adelaide. Lunches, dinners, at home support and fundraising for brain tumour/cancer research.
All of the members have / had tumours. They support all people on the brain tumour journey. Family and support people are also welcome.
We encourage you to participate in sharing your story and supporting those who share theirs. Please join us for our monthly face to face chats.
If this is relevant for someone you know who does not have Facebook and would like to attend one of the regular monthly catch ups please call Ginta Orchard from the NRF on 0419 844 511 for details of the next event.
(Pictured here are some group members at the NRF Brain Tumour Research Christmas Lunch 2021.)