Adelaide Microsurgical Skull Base Anatomy Symposium

Approaches for the Neurosurgeon - Hands-on workshop and Symposium

Adelaide Microsurgical Skull Base Anatomy Symposium image

Course Description

Hands-On Workshop and Symposium is targeted to both actively training and practising Neurosurgeons, intended to bring experts in the field, both internationally and nationally together to discuss the management of skull base conditions. The course explores anatomy both radiologically and surgically, surgical approaches and advancements, adjuvant therapies and to allow a hands-on and collaborative workshop to translate learnings into the goal of improving patient outcomes. The focus of cadaveric dissections in this course will be open microsurgical approaches.

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Prof. Roy T. Daniel, MD

Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr. Saba Hatami, MBBS, FRANZCR

Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Mercy George, MD

Lausanne, Switzerland

Prof. Igor Maldonado, MD, PhD

Bahia, Brazil

Dr. Nazih Assaad, MBBS, FRACS

Sydney, Australia

Dr. Sharad Chawla, MBBS, FRACS

Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Nick Vrodos, MBBS, FRACS

Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Stephen Santoreneos, MBBS, FRACS

Adelaide, Australia

Prof. Pablo Gonzalez-Lopez, MD, PhD

Alicante, Spain


Santosh Poonnoose FRACS, Course Director

Consultants: Ema Knight, Alistair Jukes, Xenia Doorenbosch, Amal Abou-Hamden.

Trainees: Nicholas Candy, Christopher Ovenden

Administrative: Ginta Orchard, Matiss Reinhards, Christine Fairley-Bishop, Paula Barrett

Event details
Date and time
Saturday 17 August 2024
Ray Last Laboratories, Helen Mayo South Building, 1 Frome Road
Entry fee


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