2012 NRF AGM
Saturday 01 September 2012
The NRF Spring 2012 Newsletter

Researchers from the University of Adelaide Centre for Neuroscience research gave presentations at the 2012 AGM:
- Dr Renee Turner developed the only large animal model in the world that allows translation of experimental discoveries into effective stroke treatments.
- Dr Emma Thornton discovered that substance P plays a role in dopamine cell death.
- Elizabeth Harford-Wright demonstrated that the lethal complication of brain swelling is associated with increased substance P in leaky blood vessels around brain tumours.
- Frances Corrigan identified a modified version of APP that is as effective as the unmodified protein in brain protection
- Kimberly Mander used drugs exclusive to the laboratory to block water channels as a potential mechanism to reduce swelling following traumatic brain injury.
View the Spring 2012 Newsletter