RAH Department of Neurosurgery actively recruiting for two TBI research studies
The use of Rotational-Thromboelastometry in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (ROTEM-TBI) & Forecasting Impairment and Neurodegenerative Disease following Traumatic Brain Injury (FIND-TBI)
Lola Kaukas presents her research update from the Royal Adelaide Hospital:
Research within the Department of Neurosurgery at the RAH is multifaceted, and we are often juggling several projects in different stages, from conception and development, to recruitment, analysis and publication. Two of our interesting clinical projects are currently recruiting participants for analysis, as detailed below.
In collaboration with the Trauma service at the RAH, we are actively recruiting for “The use of Rotational-Thromboelastometry in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (ROTEM-TBI)”. This study, led by Dr. Adam Wells and A/Professor Daniel Ellis (Royal Adelaide Hospital), aims to examine the incidence and mechanisms contributing to abnormal blood clotting in patients with TBI. PhD Student Mr. Abhiram Hiwase has been working hard on data from patients recruited from 2022, with preliminary results demonstrating some advantage for application of ROTEM in TBI patients.
Alongside ROTEM-TBI, we are also recruiting for “Forecasting Impairment and Neurodegenerative Disease following Traumatic Brain Injury (FIND-TBI)”, led by A/Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino (University of Adelaide). This project aims to identify biological markers that predict clinical outcomes and risk of Parkinson's disease in patients with a history of TBI. To achieve this, we are recruiting individuals who have experienced a TBI of any severity (mild-severe) at any point in their adult life (aged 18+). Those interested in more information or participation can reach out to the team at the University of Adelaide via find_tbi@adelaide.edu.au or visit borrowmybrain.org/tbi.
In the near future, we aim to extend our research with ROTEM into patients with chronic subdural haematoma (cSDH) to examine the predictive capabilities of pre-operative ROTEM analysis. We also have a number of case studies underway, examining interesting and unique cases we have seen within the department.
In 2023 we have welcomed Abhiram Hiwase (2022 Honours student) back, who is pursuing a PhD to continue his research in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Abhiram will be working with the Department of Neurosurgery and the Translational Neuropathology Laboratory (University of Adelaide) to examine the controversies and opportunities in the diagnosis and management of coagulopathy in TBI.
We have also welcomed Miss. Daniela Peralta Dominguez, a fifth-year medical student from the International University of Ecuador. Daniela is completing a research placement within the department, where she will gain experience in case study analysis during her time here.