National Advocacy Service - helping brain tumour patients and their families access support
Cure Brain Cancer Foundation and Peace of Mind Foundation are proud collaborative partners of the National Advocacy Service, which directly assists families with accessing support services.

What is the National Advocacy Service?
The National Advocacy Service (NAS) is a collaboration between Peace of Mind Foundation and Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, supporting people with a primary diagnosis of brain cancer. They provide general advice, guidance and hands on support to identify and connect to government funded services and non-government and community-based services.
This includes direct one-on-one assistance applying to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Centrelink, Carer Gateway and My Aged Care support.
Who is eligible for assistance from the National Advocacy Service
Anyone with a primary brain tumour or brain cancer diagnosis.
Is there a fee to access the National Advocacy Service?
NAS is a completely free individualised service providing one-on-one support for as long as is required
What are some of the other benefits of accessing the National Advocacy Service?
When a client reaches out to NAS, one person is assigned to that family to assist them throughout their entire journey, however long that assistance is required. There are no waitlists and this single point of contact can be an invaluable source of support and help navigate a complex system.
NAS supports not only individuals diagnosed with a primary brain tumour or brain cancer but their entire support network including those in a carer role.
NAS was established on 1st November 2021 and have a 100% success rate assisting families access the NDIS.
Who is eligible to access the NDIS?
Any Australian resident under the age of 65 years old who can demonstrate that their diagnosis has resulted in impairment across one or more functional domains. Australian residents over the age of 65 can apply for support through My Aged Care.
What advice do you have regarding applying to access the NDIS?
Start the application process as early as possible, as soon as 6 weeks post-diagnosis.
NDIS requires information on the impairments that the tumour places on the person to approve supports. Examples of impairments might include such things as inability to drive/work, short term memory loss, extreme fatigue, lack of executive processing.
Applications are made under the banner of acquired brain injury subsequent to the diagnosis of brain tumour.
No one size fits all, a vast array of support can be applied for and needs can escalate and grow with time. Do not feel like you need to wait until you are struggling or things are “bad enough” to apply.
How do I request support from the National Advocacy Service?
- Go to the Peace of Mind Foundation website:
- Click the Apply for NAS Support button on the left of the webpage
- Enter your details and under Support Service Request tick National Advocacy Service