Associate Professor Renée Turner
NRF Board Member since 2015 | NRF Director of Neurosurgical Research | Member, NRF Scientific Committee | Senior Lecturer, The University of Adelaide | Deputy Head, Discipline of Anatomy and Pathology | Head, Translational Neuropathology Laboratory
Current position:
- NRF Director of Neurosurgical Research
- Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Discipline, University of Adelaide
- Head, Translational Neuropathology Laboratory
Professional achievements:
- 2015 South Australian Young Tall Poppy Science Award (Australian Institute of Policy and Science)
- 2014 Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Leading Light Award - Runner up
- 2008 NHMRC CJ Martin Overseas Biomedical Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- 2006 Fresh Science, Finalist - Australia's Best Young Scientists
- 2004 NHMRC Dora Lush Post-Graduate Fellowship
Involvement with the NRF:
Renee discusses: "As NRF Director of Neurosurgical Research, leading the Translational Neuropathology Laboratory at the University of Adelaide, I was invited to join the board. I saw this as a unique opportunity and it has been an invaluable learning experience for me to see firsthand how the foundation runs, further connect with the local clinical neurosurgical team, make valuable professional connections and contribute to the mission of the NRF."
Personal motivations:
"I’ve been extremely lucky to have had a number of excellent teachers in late secondary school, lecturers at University and researchers during my Honours/PhD studies who inspired and motivated me to pursue science as a career and showed confidence in my ability and potential when I was unsure of the path to take."